Kelly105 views02/02/07 at 22:58Lor: Where am I and what am i doing??

Mondo & Laura99 views02/02/07 at 22:58Kelly: Who let the thunderbird loose?? Put the arms down ...

76 views02/02/07 at 22:57Kelly: Thunderbirds are GO!!!

74 views02/02/07 at 22:56Kelly & Lor: Mick - Have you learnt to tie your laces yet??!!

Kelly & Kirsty82 views02/02/07 at 22:55Lor: 2 more tongues and you're going home!!

Laura, Mackers & Kirsty389 views02/02/07 at 22:54Kelly & Lor: No Dean Gaffney, no threesome for you my boy!!!

Bryan89 views02/02/07 at 22:53Kelly: Spit or Swallow???!!!

Laura & Mondo93 views02/02/07 at 22:52Kelly: She does not like zeee lick!!!!

292 views12/12/06 at 11:16Anon: lol

295 views12/12/06 at 09:31Nicola: The state of you

43 views09/05/06 at 12:02Anon: theres no way i`m having a threesome with Alan and...

71 views08/15/06 at 03:54Rob: Looking very smart lads, very impressed

50 views06/12/06 at 12:47Dustin: Podge & Rodge

52 views06/12/06 at 11:39Big Bird: Oh Yes.......She`s loving the Snuff.

46 views06/12/06 at 11:36Big Bird: Listen Snuff it`s never going to happen